Please execute the diagnostic collection from the MyWorkDrive control panel on the server desktop.

Run the MyWorkDrive control panel, then click the "Collect" button. 
Clicking "Collect" will run a series of processes on your server and open several PowerShell and Command windows to prepare and upload the diagnostic information.  Those windows will close on their own when complete, please don't close any of them prematurely.  Some of them may show warnings or errors, you may safely ignore them.

The process will either automatically upload the logs to us (if you select "Upload Diagnostic Logs"), or it will place a zipped file on the desktop, if you select "Save to desktop".   Please choose "Upload Diagnostic logs" unless we ask you to use the desktop transfer method and send a link to upload to.

Please email us (reply to this email) when the process completes (either you have copied the file to the share when using the desktop transfer method, or all windows have closed when using the upload method.)

Saving to desktop is typically used when the Diagnostic files are greater than 100MB, or communication from the server to our licensing servers is disrupted.  We'll request you use this method if we do not receive the file on first attempt, or if we know from past history the upload is likely to fail for you.
